Couple Care
New and RevisedCouple Care MarriagePreparation Manual
Penny and I are excited to announce that the new, revised, Canadian Best Seller, Couple Care Marriage Preparation Manual, used by over 500 pastors across Canada, USA, Great Britain and Australia as their preferred resource in preparing couples for marriage,has been printed and is available for immediate orders.
- Additional truths from leading marital therapists (i.e. Dr. John Gottman) backed up by Scripture and illustrated through personal examples and humour. (i.e. Building Positivity in to Marriage)
- A new section discussing the impact of Pornography on men and women. Today’s young adults are the first generation to have grown up with digital technology in their homes from birth. They are the first therefore to have their brains rewired, for better or worse, by 24/7 digital communication.
- A return to 6 chapters to coincide with 6 one hour premarital counselling sessions.
- A seventh chapter on remarriage remains.
- A new cover colour scheme.
- Personal pictures and words of encouragement from young married couples.
- Testimonials of pastors/leaders from a variety and denominational backgrounds.
- Same day service. Book orders will be placed in the mail the same day.
- Original Couple Care Marriage Preparation Manual available in Spanish.